Stromness Museum

Voices of the past and the present weave an oral history of the town. This entertaining soundscape told by people of Stromness will lead you from the pier head to the cannon beyond Stromness Museum. In this seventh episode we hear about Old Orkney Whisky, Stromness Museum, the Orkney Yole and the scuttling of the German fleet. Narrator: Bea Watson Featured speakers in order of appearance: DeLille Diament 2011 / Edgar Ramsay 1976 (Orkney Library & Archive) / Ernest Marwick 1976 (Orkney Library & Archive) / Eric Flett & Ian MacInnes circa 1990 (BBC Radio Orkney) / Rosetta Groundwater (no date - Orkney Library & Archive) / Emily Turton 2011 / Willie Tulloch 2011 Music: 1. Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley ‘The Dingeshowe Dancers’ / 2. Mark Shiner ‘Greenland Whale Fishery’ / 3. Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley ‘Orca’
Stromness Museum
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